Introducing The TAG Method®

An Exciting Announcement about New Developments! 

I have increased the scope of my practice to include The TAG Method for Trauma Repatterning and Integration.

I took the plunge into a 5 month fully comprehensive trauma training because:  

  • I felt I really needed it due to some big transition I wanted to consciously deal with in my own life

  • for the many clients who’ve been coming to me specifically looking for more Trauma resources and interaction. 

I wanted to better understand how to attune with people suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), in response to emotional neglect and how to gracefully and empathically guide them through the process of recovery to lead toward more generative lives.

Thanks to Katherine Allen and Maria Bowen, founders of TAG, I was one of a small cohort of students learning the definitions and causes of trauma: historical, cultural, familial, and personal; and ways trauma shows up in people’s behaviors, emotions, and bodies. We read and discussed the latest research in neuroscience and neuropsychology to better understand what happens in the brain when a person experiences trauma and how that impacts our entire body and relational skills. 

It got to the heart of the matter and I personally gained a lot of relief from the simple technique of Brainspotting®, an approach that uses eye placement and encouragement, comes through co-regulation and attunement to help access deeper layers of the brain .

How Can Your Brain and Your Body Work Together? 

The brain is often referred to as a manager because it’s a pattern matching system. It’s continually processing or making sense of stimulus from both the external and internal environment.

The heart is a key informer of the internal physiological nature that signals the brain of our felt-sense experience that we recognise as emotions. 

Emotions highly influence the processing attention of the brain, much more than we tend to acknowledge. 

As you read on, I trust you will recognise what I’m writing about and if you’re curious about going further, contact me here for a 30 minute exploratory call. 

Emotional input sourced from the heart send signals to the brain that not only facilitate, but are indispensable to, the process of rational decision making. Emotions direct our attention.

**We place our attention on what’s congruent with what we feel. 

**Emotions influence our memory, judgment, and cognitive processing style.

Research shows that when our heart is clear, and resilient, we experience and express more positive attitudes with an increased stabilizing sense of agency/choice. We enjoy leading our lives because it feels in sync with what we desire and imagine can happen.  

Emotions operate at a very high speed and frequency that can easily bypass cognitive functioning, and that’s why our actions can speak louder than our words sometimes and we can fall into familiar patterns of fight, flight or freeze or we can find comfort co-regulating with people we feel safe and trusting around.

Emotional experiences are strong motivators for future attitudes and behaviors that influence our moment to moment actions, responses and short and long performance.

  • When there is coherence within and between mental and emotional systems (the brain and the heart), we interact constructively and expand our awareness that allows for optimal, psychological and physiological functioning. That means, we’re having a good day. I love those moments! Don’t you?

  • When lacking in synchronization, we produce more conflicting interaction and compromising performance which falls to our detriment. I certainly have experienced those moments too!  Have you as well? 

They are grist for the mill along Life’s long learning road.  

To help come to better balance, we need to find trained pofessional we feel safe with and begin the good work of developing ways that can clear our emotions easily and effectively and have more moments of feeling good: reliable and trustworthy to ourselves and to the world.

The Heart as a Messenger, a Teacher and a Healer

When signals from the heart to the brain are compromised, there’s less awareness of feeling sensations in the body.

But if we consciously discover the process of communicating directly through the heart, we can  influence our perceptual and emotional experiences and give ourselves a better chance to exchange old familiar and ineffective patterns for more stable ones. We can actually replace outdated patterns as we align with greater inner access toward nuanced and vital experiences.

That is when we experience genuine happiness. 

In Summery

With an open heart, and the simple and effective technique of Brain Spotting and an unconditional positive regard, I can help you awaken your exploratory, self-observation skills that can eventually promote within you reliable, safe and ongoing capacity for observation, curiosity and mindfulness. 

As you gradually develop an increased familiarity of the effects of these newly invigorated thoughts and emotions derived from the feelings coming from your awakening body, together, with me, you can effortlessly unravel deep set and ineffective emotional patterns and witness how your body can heal your brain and effectively reprocess emotions to become more sustaining, coherent, clear and calm. 

You can cultivate adaptive and expansive capacity that facilitates new responses and integrates the past and present, belief and body, emotion and meaning.

If you are interested, please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can make an exploratory call here

I look forward to healing from you soon!

Love, Liesje


Somatic Attunement for Change


Gratitude for Your Support!